It's been quite a while since I've posted. I've spent the last month doing plenty of couponing, but no major deals I really had to share. I've also been very busy with classes this semester, spending time with friends and family, etc that my blog has been put on the back burner.
Today however, I scored a great deal that I wanted to share, and write a short note about how thankful I am for coupons, since it is Thanksgiving week afterall.
To start out, here's my awesome deal:
Twenty-four cans of Libby's peas, corn, and green beans! Priced at Dollar General normally for .85 a can. They are on sale this week for .40 a can. I had several coupons for $1 off when you purchase four, making each can just .15 cents! So my total for all 24 cans came to a whole $3.60 for what would normally retail at $20.40. I have several cans in my stockpile already from using the same coupon previously, though I didn't score as great of a deal. However these don't expire for 2 to 3 years, and so this should last us quite a while, and allow us to make a nice donation to the local food bank as well.
And that leads me to why I am so thankful for coupons. We're able to have wholesome food, personal care items and other necessities on hand all the time for mere cents. It's like a security blanket and provides relief knowing that if we're short on money for whatever reason, there's at least one thing we don't have to worry about. Secondly, despite the fact that we're far from rich, we can still afford to give to others who may not have as much as us. I know I've made that same statement before, but it means a lot to me to be able to give to others, especially those who really need an extra hand. We may not have a lot compared to many people, but we're blessed with what we do have and I'm thankful that coupons let me share the wealth.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!