Saturday, June 11, 2011

Here I go again...

And so, I'm blogging. The truth is, I've been blogging since way before it was cool. I started when I was 14 and it's actually how I met my husband. Though back then it wasn't called "blogging," it was considered keeping an online journal or diary. I stopped writing regularly a few years ago for no real reason. I've been contemplating starting a blog again for a while because I think people are tired of my constant Facebook posts detailing every aspect of my life. So here I am, finally getting around to it, at 1 in the morning.

A little about me...I'm 26, married to a great guy, and the stay-at-home-mom to a wonderful little girl. I'm a part time photography student at the local community college. I love art, photography, coupons, frugal living, thrift shopping, repurposing, interior design, movies, music, etc.

I've just recently begun reading other people's blogs and I've noticed many have a theme to them whether it's 5 minute meals, or organization, or whatever. Mine however will lack a theme, though it will most likely detail my newest passion of couponing, and my photography hobby that I'm working on turning into a career. Of course there may be the occasional movie review or rant about whatever is on my mind. Whatever I post, I hope you enjoy, and if you do then feel free to leave comments! I love comments!

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